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Woodsmoke and long flowing locks

Well I know a lot more about American Civil War re-enactments in this country than I did this time last week. Over the weekend I had chance to chat a little more about the idea the guy had for me drawing him in his full uniform but in a more suitable setting, and he’s keen on the idea but needs to have photos taken first before we can discuss it further. He showed me some photos he’s had taken already and I can now see what he’s taking about, but what I hadn’re realised is how much they live the life whilst away on their weekends re-enactments. They sleep in the proper pitched tents , and cook their food over opens fires, and eat the proper food that they’ve made themselves – Molasses and Bacon with Reb cakes. He smiled and said he always comes home smelling of woodsmoke at the end of the day. Sounds fascinating!

And yesterday the convoluted painting as obscure as it is obvious “Contemplating the shadows” went home to its new owner, and although I was sorry to see it go, I was pleased that it is in its rightful place.

Today I have been sorting out the list of  equipment that the members of the art group that I am doing the art workshop for at the end of this month will need. It will be in acrylics and most of them haven’t used that medium before I understand so I will have to explain how to use them as well as using them to paint an animal – which I have suggested should be a horse, but I’m awaiting confirmation on that one. Horses are ideal as they are attractive animals, plus they have long and short hair so I can teach the different techniques for each type – which will be useful for painting any animal portraits, or even long hair on people. When I know which animal it is, I will do a full painting as an example of how the picture should look at the end. I don’t want to spend the whole workshop painting, its about the learners painting, and learning from that experience.

So, although I haven’t been doing much painting myself this week, yet, I have been busy with all sorts of projects connected to them.


2 thoughts on “Woodsmoke and long flowing locks”

  1. For a great read on American Civil War re-enactment I highly recommend the amusing, and surprising, “Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War” by Tony Horowitz. Read it and you’ll be able to swap hardcore stories where sleeping in *tents* is considered a “Farb” indulgence – the really authentic (or obsessed) re-enactors sleep huddled on the ground wearing home-made fabrics that include buttons soaked in their own urine (don’t ask, it’s a Civil War authenticity thing). A very readable book.

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